How To Get Pool Build Leads For Less Than $5/Lead

I am willing to bet that you are leaving a significant amount of money on the table in your pool building business...

Don't worry though, it's not just you.  

Almost every pool building contractor is making the same mistake in their marketing. 

You are not alone.

What is that mistake? 

It´s taking the easy & simple route when it comes to their marketing.

Well... it's not technically a mistake, but it is a sub-optimal way of marketing a pool business. 

You see… 

In any given industry, only 3% of the market is ready to buy now, at any given time throughout the year.

We call these "bottom of the funnel" customers because they have made it through the thinking, deliberating, and researching phases and are now entering the Buying Phase.

Most pool building contractors tend to focus their marketing efforts and dollars on capturing this 3% of that market. 

It works, but the problem is, your competitors are doing the same thing as you.

They are often approaching homeowners in the same exact way as you are, on the same platforms, and saying the same exact thing as you.

This creates "Market Noise."

If you don't want to get lost in the noise, you must think outside of the box.

Besides the 3% of the market who are ready to buy now, there is another 17% of the market who isn't ready just yet, but will be soon enough.

Within 3 to 18 months typically.
The rest may never buy, or buy after two years. We can ignore that sector for now.

We can think of these 2 main groups of the market as the ¨I Want It NOW" and the "I Want It LATER" groups. 

I'm here to tell you that untapped riches are at your fingertips if you can create a system within your pool building business to attract, nurture and convert the I Want It Later crowd.

Why am I so sure in making that statement? 

I have seen behind hundreds of contracting businesses in my years as a marketing consultant, and I can tell you that most businesses never take the time to properly create a marketing system that can speak to and monetize the ¨I Want It Later¨ crowd. 

It takes work! It's not easy! 

It's simple, but it is not easy. 

Thanks to technology and recent advances in marketing software, it's gotten a lot easier to speak to the ¨I Want It Later¨ crowd and market to them properly.

It just takes a little bit of elbow grease.

Rest assured, if there's a will there is most certainly a way. 

Enter The I.E.B. Funnel for pool building contractors. 

I.E.B. stands for Inspire, Envision, and Build. These are the 3 stages that you will walk the ¨I Want It Later¨ crowd through to ultimately sell more pools in less than time than you previously thought was possible.

If you do things you haven't done before, you are likely to get results that you haven't gotten before.

Ok... so let's break this down a little further.

Most homeowners in your market do not wake up tomorrow and say "I would love to buy a swimming pool this week."

If you know the above statement is true, it doesn't make much sense to approach the market with an offer crafted for the "I Want It Now" segment because it will fall on mostly deaf ears.

Make sense?  

So what's a smart pool building contractor to do? 

Well, all we have to do is change the ¨bait¨ to attract this slightly different ¨fish¨.

This fish (the homeowner who may be interested in a pool) needs to first be able to IMAGINE the possibility of getting a pool. 

Nothing in this world can start without a thought entering the imagination.

Before you started your pool building business, you needed to get the IDEA for a pool building business.

You then pursed the idea and you ended up where you are today. Swimming pools come into the world in the same way.

If you want to sell more swimming pools than you ever have before, you will need to INSPIRE more people get a swimming pool than you have before. 

So that is our first objective. We want to INSPIRE.

We don't want to offer Free Estimates, we don't want to offer discounts, and we most certainly do not want to skip this step, unless we hate making more money. 

Create content to inspire homeowners to think about purchasing an inground pool. 

As the saying goes, ¨You catch more flies with honey.¨

So how about we get you some Pool Building Honey!?

The first step of The I.E.B. Funnel is to create and distribute a "Swimming Pool Inspiration & Idea Guide" in the form of a downloadable PDF. 

The guide should be an informative and inspirational piece of content that a homeowner can receive after providing their contact information.

Again, we are not selling a pool here or talking about price, yet.

We are simply trying to get their imagination flowing like a pool pump at 6:00AM. 

You are not re-inventing the wheel here. All you have to do is "curate" as many beautiful pool pictures as possible into an attractive guide. 

Here is an example of one that we created that's working well. 

This process is relatively simple with a tool like You can also go and hire a graphics designer to create this for you. 

After we have a PDF guide ready to distribute, our marketing efforts will resonate with 10x as many homeowners.


Because there are at least 10x as many homeowners who are willing to download a pool inspiration & idea guide compared to requesting a free pool building estimate at any given time.

Make sense? 

Good, let's move on. 

Now that we're not trying to sell to people who aren't ready to be sold to…

We can promote our Swimming Pool Idea & Inspiration Guide to homeowners using ad platforms like Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, and Youtube Ads. 

This is the modern day version on the age old "Call us for your free info packet!" offer that you've heard in infomercials on TV. 

In our experience, we are able to get homeowners to request the guide through Facebook Ads for an average of $5/ lead. The homeowner gives us their name, email, and phone number in exchange for the PDF.

In the screenshot above, we were able to get homeowners to download the guide 26 times for just $86.80 within 48 hours.

That´s $3.34 per download.

Not too bad.

Step 1 Complete: Inspire

How to generate high-quality roof coating leads with Content Marketing
Why Educate?

Whenever you’re selling an expensive product or service, such as commercial roofing, an educated prospect is your best friend. Restoring or replacing a commercial roof can often be very expensive and complicated.

The expense and complexity of the purchase leads to the building owner often putting off making the decision, going cold out of nowhere, or failing to ever get back to you. 

We want to avoid this at all costs. 

This is where Education Marketing comes in. 

Using Education Marketing, you can completely revolutionize your commercial roofing business by allowing your prospects to come to you already educated, more qualified, and ready to make a decision much sooner than usual. Oftentimes, they’ll make the decision the same day. 
Education Marketing is relatively straight forward. 

Education Marketing begins by you assuming the role of the AUTHORITY figure in the sales process. You want to bring the building owner into your business by first educating him on commercial roofing solutions. 

The sooner you can start educating your prospects in your business, the easier it will be to get the sale. 

Would you prefer to deal with cold, uneducated prospects? Or would you prefer dealing with only warm, educated prospects who already KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST you because you were the source of their new found knowledge?

This is the beauty of Education Marketing. By presenting the building owner with valuable information leading up to them reaching out to you, you’re elevating yourself above the competition by showing the prospect you’re looking out for their best interest. 

You’re not just any old roofing contractor who wants the job and the money. You’re a true EXPERT in your field who is able to confidently teach the building owner and look out for his best interest.

How it works

You’re probably already doing Education Marketing and you don’t even know it. If you’ve ever explained the benefits of roof coating to a prospect over the phone or in person, you’ve done Education Marketing.

The Education Marketing involved in the EEC Method takes things to a whole new level. 

Rather than educating the prospect 1:1 or just one at a time, The EEC Method allows you to harness your knowledge and expertise, turn it into an article, e-book, or a video and allow your Education Marketing work 1000:1 rather than just 1:1. 

The EEC Method is about using LEVERAGE to EDUCATE building owners in mass. 

A great way to do this is to create a simple and straightforward blog post for your website titled:

 “10 Things [STATE] Building Owners Must Know About Roof Coating”. 
Then simply list the 10 (or however many) valuable pieces of information that you want every building owner to know. This type of blog post is very good at capturing the attention of a building owner because it’s not selling anything. People don’t like to be sold online, but they LOVE TO LEARN. 

If you’re not a great writer, not to worry. Have a colleague record you while on a roof, explaining why you believe coatings are a great option for building owners, what roof types are great for coatings, and any other valuable topic or question you can think of. 

Bear in mind that you can convey your knowledge and expertise in many different ways. If you’re not a great writer, then video may be a better option. If you don’t feel comfortable on camera (completely normal) AND you’re not a great writer, then you can still talk about your knowledge. 

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with hiring a professional writer to interview you on the topic of roof coatings, record the interview, and then transcribe the interview into your very own e-book or collection of blog posts. 

Remember - the goal is to get the building owner to think “Wow, these guys sure know what they’re talking about.” This leads to them TRUSTING you because you were able to teach them something new and of incredible value and importance. 

Once your Education Marketing content is created, it’s important to get it in front of as many building owners and property managers as possible.

Marketing only works if it’s seen by the RIGHT PROSPECTS. 
You can do this by posting a link to your blog on Facebook, printing it out and mailing it to building owners in your area, or even add property managers on LinkedIn and share it with them privately. There are endless ways to get your Education Marketing out there. 

We have found a lot of success getting our Education Marketing in front of building owners and property managers on social media. If you’ve tried promoting your business on Facebook or LinkedIn before and had little luck, that’s OK and very common. The problem isn’t that Facebook or Linkedin doesn’t work. You just need to have the right message that fits the platform. 

Direct sales messages or offers rarely work well on social media. So anything along the lines of “Get a free commercial roofing estimate” or “Call us if you need any flat roof repair” is likely to fall on deaf ears. Your prospects are not on Facebook or LinkedIn to find a roofing contractor, so they’re more likely to ignore any direct approaches. 

The great thing about Education Marketing is that it works by providing VALUE and CONTENT in the form of interesting articles, videos, or e-books. It’s harmless, non-threatening, and people won’t feel like they’re being sold to. 

Keep in mind that at any given time, only 3% of a market is “Ready To Buy Now.” But another 27% is going to be buying in the next 18 to 24 months. Education Marketing allows you to tap into the much larger pool of prospects that just aren’t ready today, but if presented with the right information, they’ll reach out to you wanting to learn more or get an estimate.

The ROI of Educating

Education Marketing is known for having an amazing ROI in almost every industry. The reason is it doesn’t cost much to create content, and you only need to do it once. 

There’s little point in creating a weekly article about roof coating, when 90% of the information and benefits can be explained in as little as 1 to 3 well written articles or videos. 

It’s a “set it and forget it” approach to marketing. After your Education Marketing collateral is created, it will serve you for 5 to 10 years. Then you just focus on distributing it via social media, direct mail, or through your website’s blog. 

How to pre-qualify leads with a free online evaluation tool
Why Evaluate?

After you’ve Educated your prospect, you’ve earned their attention. At this point, some of them will be ready to call you and get a roof coating estimate. But many more just won’t be at that stage, yet. 

This is where we want to let them EVALUATE their situation and determine if roof coating is right for them. You can accomplish this by providing them with a FREE COST ESTIMATE CALCULATOR that they can use to get a ballpark estimate. 

We’re huge fans of cost estimate calculators.

A Cost Estimate Calculator that will calculate the approximate cost for a roof coating based on the answers the building owner provides.

Click 'Example' tab to see the calculator we use.


Here's what our calculator looks like.

We simply multiply the size of the roof by $2.5 to $3.5 to provide a ballpark estimate. 

If the building owner wants to, he can then request a real in-person estimate. We’re always careful to specifically state that it’s just a BALLPARK ESTIMATE.

The Benefits

This strategy is incredibly effective because it allows you to provide the building owner with additional value, without you having to do a thing. The quiz or the calculator will do the work for you.

This also does a great job of filtering out the tire-kickers who just want a price and don’t plan on getting the roof restored any time soon. 

Any leads generated from a calculator are extremely high quality because they are already aware of the approximate cost. Otherwise, they won’t ask for you to come out and provide an in-person estimate. 

Again, the key here is we’re using LEVERAGE to EDUCATE and EVALUATE building owners in droves rather than 1:1. 

You’re limited to the number of building owners you can speak to in one day, but a blog post and a calculator can cater to 10,000 building owners per day. That’s the beauty of the E.E.C. Method!

How to close more deals FASTER by calculating the savings with the prospect.
Why Calculate?

By properly educating the building owner, evaluating their situation, and then CALCULATING the project long-term savings… you’re walking them to a “No-Brainer” scenario.

The problem I see with commercial roofing sales currently is that commercial roofers don’t take the time to break down the savings of roof coating. 

Roof Coating is much cheaper than roof replacement - we know that. They know that too, but roof coating can also help lower their utility bills by up to 25%.


Wouldn’t it make sense to show the building owner how much MONEY HE COULD SAVE OVER 15 YEARS with a white reflective roof? 

Let’s say his electric bill is $2,000/month. Over 15 years he will spend $360,000 on electricity. 

If he’s able to save just 20% on his electricity bill, over 15 years that’s an amazing savings of over $72,000. With an SPF system, the savings can be even greater leading the roof to pay for itself in just 7 years in some cases. 

But let’s not stop there… 

We know that a roof coating can be recoated at the end of its lifecycle. That’s another opportunity for huge savings. Another coating is much cheaper than another replacement. 

This is another area of savings you can highlight for your prospect. 
And then there’s the immediate tax deduction via IRS Section 179 that allows the building owner to deduct the full expense of the roof coating that year on their taxes. This is a HUGE incentive for building owners in our experience.


Now here's where the fun part comes in.

Because you're working with some serious ¨pool building honey¨ in Step 1 of the funnel, you will likely get hundreds of homeowners downloading the guide. 

For every 5 homeowners who download the guide, in our experience, 1 will take us up on a Free Swimming Pool Consultation when offered on the Thank You Page. 

That means if we spend around $500 on 100 leads who download the guide, we get 20 pool build consultation requests right away.

That's around $25 per booked consultation, not too bad.

This is what content marketing can do.

Now you are left with leads who are Imagining their future pool, and they are ready for you to help them ENVISION their future swimming pool.

The initial 20% are just the cream on top, but there are more leads who will be ready for the Envision stage, given enough additional outreach and time.

This is where the beauty of marketing automation comes in. 

Before we continue, let's recap really quick.

Our IEB Funnel starts by getting homeowners to IMAGINE their future swimming pool by offering them a beautiful PDF Swimming Pool Inspiration & Idea Guide for download.

A certain percentage of those will be more motivated to get a pool than the rest, and they will naturally ask you to help them ENVISION what their future pool could look like. 

We capture these ENVISION leads right away when they fill out our form for a "Free Dream Swimming Pool Consultation" on the Thank You page after opting in for the IMAGINE guide. 

Simple, right? 

All we need here is just a 2-step funnel.

The 1st step is showing them what they are about to download, and the 2nd step is thanking them for downloading the guide, and offering the free consultation.

That's it.

No need to overcomplicate things. 

You can name your guide or your consultation whatever you want, it´s all up to your discretion.

Just respect the buying process, and understand that not everyone is ready to buy a pool right away.

Respect the homeowners´ buying process, and the homeowners will respect you!

100 Homeowners Download The PDF

20 Homeowners Request A Consultation

80 Homeowners are left behind in the system...

What do we do about those? 

Well, let's put them into a marketing automation sequence that will automatically follow up with them at predefined times through email and text messages.

This can be done with a number of marketing automation tools, and only has to be set up once. If you've never done anything like this before, don't worry.

It's a pretty straightforward marketing automation that most marketers can help set up for you. This is the 1st text that goes out to the homeowner.

Looks natural, real, and it's not scary since we're not asking for a call or a sale. It's unassuming and safe.

If they don't reply in 24 hours, we will send an email to them saying almost the same thing. If they do reply, we will send them a message saying:

If they reply ¨Yes¨, you can give them a call and take it from there. 

If they reply ¨No¨, just let it be and wait 2 weeks before reaching out again with another piece of content or a simple follow up message.

Speed is of the essence here, and shouldn't be taken lightly.

People have short attention spans. Shorter and shorter with every passing year and Iphone release.

To combat this, you will rely on your marketing automations and ideally a setter who can call the leads within 5 minutes of their reply. 

We are ⅔ of the way through the IEB Funnel and I hope you're seeing the untapped potential in your business if you were to implement something like this.

Imagine what your pool building business would look like today if you implemented this type of system when you first started. 


If you've made it this far along, I don't think you're a stranger to the Build stage.

I feel like I would be insulting your intelligence if I went into detail about what you do best.

I'd rather take this time to summarize why I think it's crucial that every pool building contractor implements this strategy into their business. 

Imagine that your market is an orchard, and every homeowner who wants a swimming pool are the apples.

You and your competitors are going around this orchard, trying to grab as many apples as you can.

Every day, new apples become ripe, and the race is on between you and your competitors to see who can grab the most apples. 

Eventually though, all of the low-hanging fruit are snapped up.

Everyone can reach them, and nobody has a significant advantage.

Well, content marketing is like a ladder.

It allows you to reach and access parts of the market that your competitors without a ladder simply can not reach.

They are all left to go after the low hanging fruit, and that is not an easy task.

When you begin to think strategically about your marketing, your ladder gets taller and taller. You are able to connect with and start earning the trust of homeowners before any of your competition.

Good businesses MEET the demand of the market.

Great businesses CREATE the demand of the market.

This is the true abundance mentality. 

I want you to be one of the Greats. To lead the way in your market. To be the authority when it comes to pools & hardscapes in your area.

You must INSPIRE homeowners to truly maximize your business's potential. This creates customers for you that your competitors won't be able to easily reach and access. 

This is what a modern day ¨moat¨ around your ¨castle¨ looks like. 

The IEB Funnel allows you to dominate the narrative in the market by showing up early, providing value at every stage, and doing it all without lifting a finger. That's the beauty of marketing automation. 

If you've found this guide valuable and informative, I would like to invite you to a Free Pool Building Strategy Session to show you how we can implement The I.E.B. Funnel in your business 100% Risk Free.  

If generating a steady stream of high quality pool leads is a priority for you, you will not want to pass on this Free Pool Building Strategy Session.
Simply click the link below and select a time that works for you on the calendar.

We look forward to speaking with you!
-The Poolzy Team

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